Blown and stained blue glass pokal with the engraved Russian Coat of Arms. This is a newer piece .
What is a “pokal?” (‘po-cull’ (or) ‘po-cow’)
Basically it is a tall (over 7 inches usually) cylindrical beaker with a matching set-on-lid, and a pedestal base. Those vessels without the pedestal are called “Humpens.” Very many pokals can be found without their original lids. Most seen are made out of glass and mostly made for decoration rather than use.
[L] Unknown maker, probably Eggerman’s [R] Eggerman. One can tell by the colors used and the dart pattern at the top.
18 Inches tall, most likely Eggerman’s. It is their shade of green although this small star pattern with the centered red dot is somewhat different than usual. [FWTD]
Extremely bright and colorful Armorial pokal. Probably Josephinenhutte (due to the shape of the prunts.
A smaller cut (& cut & cut) diamond patterned, blown clear glass mini- pokal, “Roemer” style, also could be called a lidded beaker. Circa 1830-50 I believe [FWTD]
Most likely a Josephinenhutte pokal. Ruby stained cut-to clear. 16.5 inches tall. Circa 1850. [FWTD]
Very similar pieces are shown in the book, see link below ▼
A giant, 31 inch tall [!] J. Lichtinger’s (Munich) pewter over Theresienthal’s green-yellow glass pokal. [FWTD] Circa 1885. Gambrinus = The King of Beer as the four inch pewter finial.
Hand carved small pokal (cup and cover) c. 1830 -50 Swiss made [?]. [FWTD]
Another wooden piece: “Twig turned” body. 15 3/8th inches tall. Silver mounts and old style punched engraving on the silver bands and around the lid. The silver feet are what was called “Antalops” in medieval bestiaries. A Long horn ram as the silver finial. Circa mid 1500’s.[FWTD]
Exquisite blown and cut clear glass pokal and lid. 16.5 inches tall. Josephinehütte, Germany, Circa 1890.An engraved presentation piece. [FWTD]
A ruby stained, cut-to-clear glass pokal, most probably by Josphinenhütte, Bavaria.Circa 1860 -70. It has engraved religious and friendship symbols on the body cartouches. .[FWTD]
For more info on these religious and friendship symbols please see:
A very unusual color scheme on this blown and cut glass pokal* Circa 1860. Most probably made by Josephinenhütte. [FWTD] For more Josephinenhütte pieces and more pokals by that firm, please go to:
A nicely done blown stained pink glass cut-to-clear in a Gothic arch design.* (This needs a much better photos as it is a very pretty piece.) Probably also done by Josephinenhutte. [FWTD]
The indicator that this 21 inch tall bronze pokal was made in Italy is the way the ‘Coat of Arms” (not really visible in the photo) is shown /painted on this piece, along with another but different Coat Of Arms on another exact piece, I have. [FWTD]
Photos of this great pair of 23 inch tall [!] enameled pokals. Undetermined maker, Bohemian . Ca 1860. (Compliments of D.Harr.)
Humpens are large can shaped glass drinking vessels. Most all of them had matching lids when they were made. As with pokal lids, they get lost and broken easily.
Small enameled Humpen made for a painter, 13 inches tall with it’s lid. “Heckart” style of enameling, but somewhat later I believe..[FWTD]

A massive. 15 inches tall, blown green glass Humpen done by Eggerman’s workshop.
[L] Check out the unusual large painted orange prunts. [R] Detail of the unknown Coat of Arms, probably fictional. [FWTD]

“An egotist is a person more interested in himself than in me.”