ICE GLASS – Created by plunging a parison of hot glass into cold water and withdrawing it quickly. The thermal shock creates fissures in the surface, and these impart a frosted appearance after the parison has been reheated to allow the forming process to continue.
▼ An ice glass lidless tankard, from the low countries ca. 1625-75 (PHOTO COMING SOON)
Imperial Eagle (German), after 1871 . This is not the Prussian eagle! This eagle carries the Prussian eagle on his chest. White (really silver) is always the quarter, top left, facing the body; BUT one will see it shown differently even on high priced (originally) V & B Mettlach steins, as shown below. ▼ V & B Mettlach version shows the shield colors on the shield incorrectly – 1.0L, 2204, decorated relief, inlaid lid. [tsaco]
▼ What it should look like :
▼ A heavily baked enamel wine glass with the “Prussian (state) Eagle” , but interestingly enough, with the Imperial German Colors = red, white and black as the background. Glass maker was probably Josephinenhütte.
Imperial eagle – Pre-unification (1871) – Shown: A one liter, hand enameled blown glass stein with .800 silver lid showing the old eagle. The glass jury is out, but I‘m leaning (slightly0 towards the maker being other than Theresienthal. The problem with the attribution is that none other stein in this form has been documented.
In Treue Fest – The Bavarian Army’s motto; roundels such as these were usually seen on their belt buckles. It is hard to determine if this hobnail stein was made this way or converted at a later date. The Prussian army’s Motto was “Gott Mit Uns” (or “God is with us!”)
Incised — Refers to the lines in unfired ceramic material that were created by using a stamp, press, or mold; and in the olden days an engraving tool. The word that should be used instead of “etched” which is completely incorrect as it means a design made by the use of an acid (!) but which is continually perpetuated by the US Stein Auctioneers and others in articles, such as in “etched Mettlachs”.
Indian, (American) Steins -Also see Native Americans this compendium. These are very collectible in the USA. Lenox (C.A.C.) produced a few in porcelain that command lots of bucks. From a “Googled” web page: “As luck would have it, I’ve written about six of the places on the first list, including Huckleberry Island, a tiny place off New Rochelle. When I went there, in June of 1989, it was owned by the Huckleberry Indians, who not surprisingly aren’t real Indians but rather members of a “fraternity” within the New York Athletic Club, which has a yacht club nearby at Travers Island.” ▼ Pewter .5 liter stein, dated 1904 – It celebrates the “Huckelberry Indians. “
Inlay / Inlaid – A decorative technique in which one material has been placed into another so as to help form the design, such as pewter inlaid into wood. ▼A nice large German Daubenkrug. Ca. 1700’s with inlaid pewter .
▼ A one liter Ca. 1850, Austrian wooden stave stein with very small pieces of different woods inlaid in the staves.
Inlaid lid – The name of a type of lid for steins that have an insert, usually ceramic, porcelain, or glass, set into the pewter or silver flange of the lid. ▼ Very unusual porcelain ‘inlaid lid’ of a burning city (unknown) on fire all around the Cathedral. Perhaps from The Franco – Prussian war. Regardless Ca. 1870-80, I would believe.
Inspection marks / Verification marks – English – Marking system that goes back to the 1600’s in England for verifying the quantity of liquid to be served into pewter “pub mugs.”
Inspection marks / Verification marks – French – [Photo in future]
Intaglio – Very, very deep engraving (carving almost) on glass steins, mostly from Bohemia in the 1820-60’s. The reverse of “Cameo”. See also “cut-to-clear.”
Iron Chancellor, The – Nickname for Otto von Bismarck.
Iron cross steins (A very prestigious award / medal started in the Napoleonic wars. It was “un-cool” back then (through WWII) to drink out of one of these without having won the medal. Nowadays the symbol has been bastardized by the US motorcycle gangs. ▼ IRON CROSS – IMPERIAL EAGLE THUMBLIFT
Iron Maiden – A famous torture chamber from Nurnberg with large iron spikes on the inside. Several makers made steins to represent it. See compendium entry and also see: ▼ Westerwald stoneware, marked “TW.” ▼ A small (3 1/8th inch) pewter stein next to a miniature version of “The Iron Maiden”, as the chamber looks. The stein is from an unknown pewterer and marked: DRGM 158585. (Photo comp’s of WB)
Iron steins – Not many made of these on the market and why anyone would want one, due to the heaviness? I would like to own one just for an example. ▼ This aluminum stein was molded after a 1600’s pewter stein. This example has a replaced finial and a small chunk off of the bottom rim. [FWTD] ▼ The Green Vaults Ivory stein copied in iron, then painted gold, not gilded.
▼ Detail showing iron rust inside the stein which was not painted / coated. For more info on the development of this one stein and it’s design see: [1] and [2] “Green Vault’s Stein ” in this compendium
Ivory steins – Very popular and probably the most expensive beer steins(as a sub-set) when they show up, even the smaller ones, such as above. Many, yes many[!] steins made out of bone have been sold by US stein auctioneers as being ivory. The difference is that bone steins have tiny holes where the blood vessels of the animal were and the ivory does not, but ivory tusks from both African and Indian elephants have a ‘tic-tac-toe” pattern when viewed on a horizontal cut! EDITOR’S NOTE: IF YOU ARE A LOVER OF IVORY IN ANY FORM YOU MUST READ: As early as April 2014, ivory steins were being advertised as animal because of President Obama’s asshole stand on Ivory! One well known SCI (Stein Collector’s International) collector and lecturer – but not a master steinologist [!] thank God, decided a few years back, to get his ivory steins cleaned. That cleaning took off all the signs of age of being handled for decades and having the darkened areas on the ivory relief figures show from that use. The steins ended up looking like new and looking like they were made of white plastic! (such as the middle and far right steins below) The above photo shows the different colorations of ivories that can occur due to usage storage, and exposure to outside influences, but not including really dry surroundings which is why so many ivories are found heavily cracked. We will not even mention what this jerk [above] did to the future collectability, not to mention the value he had invested ! Heavy cleaning is definitely not recommended for items made of ivory, or bone, antique horn, and lots of the older wooden steins! While I could, and some day might, write an entire page on ivories for this site I am not inclined to do so at this time. I will however try to show some examples of the great workmanship and variety that can be found “out there” IF YOU HAVE THE MONEY -(HONEY ) !!! For those that do: here is my recommended buying site: “Manhattan Arts and Antiques”, in New York City. ▼A nicely aged, smaller, ivory stein with heavily polished brass mounts, and most finger oil stains intact.
▼Very old Ivory drinking vessels at the Vienna Museum of Art = Mostly pokals.
▼ A 1.5 liter (appox.) all ivory carved stein. Great workmanship. This one only had a $12 to 18 K estimate in an auction house in Florida.2012. If it sold for that someone got a good buy!
▼ Ivory replica of a town tower – city of Nurnberg, Germany; made there also.
▼Ornate erotic scene
Although SM&T has none at present – I think I would prefer to have one with silver or brass mounts as below ▼ and not 100% Ivory as above ▲. ▼ Small (6 Inch) with hand worked bronze mounts.
▼ The wise and foolish maidens SOTHEBYS-UK-2013
▼Putti doing every day things. This type of cut stone work was very popular in the early 1700 as were the small cut crenulated bands holding the stein onto the base.
▼ Applied handle; quite possibly by a different artist
▼ Lid gilding wearing off; close up of lid stones
▼ Finial – soldier on horse . c.1850 [TSACO] ivory 13.5ht., late 1800s, very detailed battle scene, very shined up silver-plated mounts
Ivory stoneware or yellow stoneware — A fine, light-colored clay fired as stoneware and used to make many steins from about 1850 to the present; most frequently referred to as just “pottery.”
[END – SP104 – 48 – R5] STEVE (STEPHEN) = This recent recession has hit everybody really hard. Wives are now having sex with their husbands because they can’t afford batteries.
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